Model boat MOD-0011

Model – boat MOD-0011

By Vanhulle, Dorian

Gebelein (?)

, Archaeological context unknown. 2007 : Bought.

St-Germain-en-Laye, Musée d'Archéologie nationale, 90898.

Date : Naqada IIIB–IIIC1

The characteristics of this boat model are specific to Naqada IIIA–C. This is supported by several parallels in Naqadan iconography, as well as a few other models. The stern of these boats is vertical, thick and sometimes triangular when show in cross-section, while their bow is either upright or simply sloping forward with or without a vertical return at the top.

Material : Clay

Preservation : Complete

Preservation information :

Apart from a few scattered chips, the object is in a remarkable state of preservation.


Various inclusions, probably of vegetal origin, cover the entire surface of this compact and relatively heavy object. It is a 'sickle boat', the hull showing the convex curve characteristic of Predynastic Upper Egyptian boats. This type of boat is first attested on a C-ware dish dated to Naqada IC but is best known for decorating the D-Ware vases of the Naqada IIC–D period. The stern stands vertically, while the bow rises forward with a short vertical extremity. The bow is higher than the stern. The bottom is flat - a regular feature for predynastic boat models. This gives the model the necessary stability, but also reflects Egyptian shipbuilding techniques. Indeed, real boats of the time were wooden structures with a flat bottom and no keel.

On the outer surface of the model, a thin horizontal incision runs along the gunwale on both sides. The internal cavity has been carefully modelled by hollowing out the upper half of the hull height. This cavity was made before firing. The top of the rectangular structure, erected in the centre of the deck and whose base merges with the gunwales, also shows a slight overcut. This structure could be a cabin with walls slightly higher than the roof, as can be seen in Predynastic rock art. The rear wall of this structure is about 7.5 cm high, while the front wall is 4.5 cm high. Its length at the base varies from 12 to 13 cm. This difference in height between the back and the front results in a surface, 11.8 cm long, that slopes slightly towards the bow.

There are no perforations, which are common on pre-pharaonic models, nor are there any traces of fire.


The ochre-coloured clay was possibly covered with a red slip.

Traces of a white coating are still visible on one side of the piece, at the level of the stern and in the lower half of the hull, whereas it has practically disappeared on the opposite side.

The side of the central structure, above the side of the model that is still plastered, shows three to four rough white lines.


© Saint-Germain-en-Laye. Musée d’Archéologie nationale.
© Saint-Germain-en-Laye. Musée d’Archéologie nationale.
© Saint-Germain-en-Laye. Musée d’Archéologie nationale.
© Saint-Germain-en-Laye. Musée d’Archéologie nationale.
© Saint-Germain-en-Laye. Musée d’Archéologie nationale.

Dimensions (cm)

Height :


Width :


Length :


Additional information


We thank Christine Lorre for facilitating the study of this artefact.

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Vanhulle, D. 2023. MOD-0011, Predynastic Online Database, retrieved 14 March 2025.