Fake – C-ware, bowl FAK-0003
By Droux, Xavier
Archaeological site unknown.
1900–1901 : Gift of the Cairo Museum to Schaparelli.Turin, Fondazione Museo delle Egizie, S.01826.
Material : Nile silt (Genuine vessel, forged decoration)
Preservation : Almost complete
Preservation information :
Two sherds are mended back onto the main part of the vessel; small sherd still missing at the rim. Heavy salt concretions on the outside.
The paint has a distinctive dark, ashen coloration, with a blackening toward the edges of the lines. The vessel is most likely a genuine predynastic red-polished bowl onto which decoration imitating the C-ware style was added in modern times, probably in order to increase its sale value.
Fake decoration consisting of irregularly hatched triangles, oblique lines with short perpendicular strokes, a concentric line at the bottom of the vessel filled with seven triangles, of which four are hatched. Many occurences of lines painted twice and of overlapping.
Dimensions (cm)
Base diameter: 3.5
Additional information
Vi 346
Oi 100
flat base
We thank the staff of the collection management office at the Museo Egizio for facilitating access to this artefact.