Fake – C-ware, elliptical bowl on four feet FAK-0002
By Droux, Xavier
Archaeological site unknown.
1900–1901 : Gift from the Cairo Museum to Schiaparelli.Turin, Fondazione Museo delle Egizie, S.01825.
Material : Nile silt (Genuine vessel, forged decoration)
Preservation : Complete
The vessel is likely genuine, but not its painted decoration.
Fake decoration consisting of a series of five hippopotamuses that follow each otherand face left. The legs are much longer than otherwise attested in C-ware art and the ears appear to be long and pointed instead of small and rounded. The rest of the decoration consists of five vertical plants, each placed in front of the muzzle of an animal. The plants are connected to a concentric line at the bottom, but the stems continue on its interior and all join at the centre of the vessel.
Dimensions (cm)
H of bowl without legs: 4.1
Additional information
Vi 211
Oi 100
on four feet
In Droux (2021: 304–305, note 7), the vessel was published with the inventory number C-0471.
We thank the staff of the collection management office at the Museo Egizio for facilitating access to this artefact.
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