C-Ware – bottle C-0885
By Droux, Xavier
Archaeological site unknown.
1892 : Bought in Egypt.Chicago, The Art Institute, 1892.41.
Date : Naqada IA–IIB
General range of C-ware production
Material : Nile silt (Painted)
Preservation : Complete
Decoration preservation : Faded
Preservation information :
Chips on rim; surface eroded in parts.
On exterior, eight horizontal concentric lines below rim. The rest of the decoration is only partly known to us: a long, vertical zigzag consisting of six parallel lines occupies the whole height between the base and the lowermost horizontal line. To the left are four (?) rectangular, crosshatched panels; the same desings may be present to the righrt of the zigzag. Inside the lip, continuous (?) series of vertical strokes.
Dimensions (cm)
Height :
Maximum diameter :
Rim diameter :
Additional information
Form :
Vessel index :
Vi 65
Opening index :
Oi 100
Shape of base:
convexe base
Decoration location :
Inside and outside