C-Ware – bowl C-0777
Archaeological site unknown
Collection unknownMaterial : Nile silt (Painted)
Double line at rim; inside, four donwturned triangles filled with chevrons; between two of these triangles, group of nine parallel oblique lines; on opposite side, second group of nine parallel oblique lines, joined to the triangle to the right by two groups of downturned chevrons. Outside, horizontal series of triangles, alternatingly upturned and downturned

Dimensions (cm)
Dbase: 6.5
Additional information
Vi 281
Centre of bowl not slipped nor polished.
Found in a cellar, but from Naqada? A new predynastic hunting scene on a C-ware fragment from the Garstang Museum of Archaeology, Liverpool, in: Claes, Wouter; De Meyer, Marleen; Eyckerman, Merel; Huyge, Derek † (eds), Remove the pyramid! Studies on the archaeology and history of predynastic and pharaonic Egypt in honour of Stan Hendrickx. Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 305. Leuven
, 396, n. 8.