C-Ware – beaker C-0687
Archaeological site unknown
Collection unknownMaterial : Nile silt (Painted)
Only details of the figurines are painted white
Eight female figrines are attached at the waist to the rim of the vessel; the waist of each figurine is painted white, as to represent a dress; the paint extends on the vessel itself; there is some white paint on the figurines heads, either representing their eyebrows, or their hairline. Dimensions exclude the figurines

Dimensions (cm)
Additional information
Vi 107
Des scènes de danse dans l’iconographie prédynastique ? Essai d’identification et d’interprétation à la lumière de la documentation pharaonique. Archéo-Nil 24
, 171, fig. 1a.2021
A hippopotamus in a dish: Predynastic bowl Cairo Museum JE 85928 and aspects of hippopotamus symbolism in predynastic Egypt, in: Buchez, N. & Tristant, Y. (eds.), Rochecouste, O. (coll.), Égypte Antérieure. Mélanges de préhistoire et d’archéologie offerts à Béatrix Midant-Reynes par ses étudiants, collègues et amis, Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 304. Leuven
, 305–310, table 1, no. 1.