C-Ware – beaker C-0430
Archaeological site unknown
Collection unknownMaterial : Nile silt (Painted)
The exterior of the vessel is decorated with a standing man with long hairs, facing right and wearing a penis sheath. A wavy line protrudes from his chest (?). In front of it, a tree or plant is followed by a vertical rectangle filled in with dots. The same design of tree/plant and dotted rectangle is repeated to the right, followed by a series of seven vertical wavy lines. The bottom is decorated with a horizontal band filled in with parallel strokes. The interior of the rim is decorated with two animals facing opposite direction, separated by a series of vertical wavy lines between their backs. A smaller animal is depicted in front of one of the others. Other designs include chevrons and, possibly, a horizontal band with semi-circular design above it, possibly representing a boat with a cabin (?). Some of the decoration is not preserved at all.

Dimensions (cm)
Additional information
Vi 155
De la figure anthropomorphe prédynastique à l’émergence de l’image de Pharaon: pour une approche transversale de l’imagerie pré- et protodynastique égyptienne (Nagada I-Nagada III, 3900-2700 av. J.-C.). Archéologie et Préhistoire. PHD thesis, University of Strasbourg. Strasbourg
, 1353, VC_IND_006.