C-Ware – sherd, body C-0239
By Droux, Xavier
, North Town.
1894–1895 : William M.F. Petrie excavation.Philadelphia, UPenn Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, E.1411.
Material : Nile silt (Painted)
Preservation : Sherd
Decoration preservation : Unknown
The vessel is seemingly decorated on both sides with the figure of a giraffe and groups of parallel strokes, but no illustration beside the drawing in Petrie's excavation publication has been produced.
Petrie, W. M. F. ; Quibell, J. E.
Naqada and Ballas, 1895. Egyptian Research Account 1. London
, pl. XXIX, 98.Petrie, W. M. F.
Corpus of prehistoric pottery and palettes. British School of Archaeology in Egypt & Egyptian Research Account 32, 23rd year, 1917. London
, pl. XXV, 97.Vandier, J.
Manuel d'archéologie égyptienne I: 1; les époques de formation, la préhistoire. Paris
, 271, fig. 173.