C-Ware sherd, body C-0239

C-Ware – sherd, body C-0239

By Droux, Xavier


, North Town.

1894–1895 : William M.F. Petrie excavation.

Philadelphia, UPenn Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, E.1411.

Material : Nile silt (Painted)

Preservation : Sherd

Decoration preservation : Unknown


The vessel is seemingly decorated on both sides with the figure of a giraffe and groups of parallel strokes, but no illustration beside the drawing in Petrie's excavation publication has been produced.

Petrie 1921: pl. XXV, 97.

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Droux, X. 2022. C-0239, Predynastic Online Database, www.ponda.org/object/C-0239. retrieved 14 March 2025.