C-Ware sherds of rim of fancy elliptical bowl, with relief decoration C-0141

C-Ware – sherds of rim of fancy elliptical bowl, with relief decoration C-0141

By Droux, Xavier


, Area within Khasekhemwy Enclosure, disturbed predynastic settlement context.

1999 : Hierakonpolis Expedition excavation.


Date : Naqada IA–IIB (?)

General range of C-ware production (?)

Material : Nile silt (Painted)

Preservation : Sherds

Decoration preservation : Mostly faded

Preservation information :

Five sherds connect to one another; a sixth sherd stands alone.


The paint has an unusual orangy-brown hue where it is preserved. The types of vessel and decoration are also highly unusual for C-ware vessels.


The preserved part of the bowl shows the remains of thick, vertical ridge in relief decoration on the inside, possibly imitating a leaf or other plant material. Additionaly, the bowl is decorated on both sides with numerous, thick, painted lines. The motifs are difficult to discern, but seem to be purely geometric in nature, with a predominance of rounded and curved designs, long vertical lines on and along the ridge, and no visible triangle.

© Xavier Droux, courtesy of the Hierakonpolis Expedition.
© Xavier Droux, courtesy of the Hierakonpolis Expedition.
© Xavier Droux, courtesy of the Hierakonpolis Expedition.
© Xavier Droux, courtesy of the Hierakonpolis Expedition.

Additional information

Form :


Shape of base:

not preserved

Decoration location :

Inside and outside


We thank Renée Friedman for facilitating the study of this artefact.


Not previously published.

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Droux, X. 2022. C-0141, Predynastic Online Database, www.ponda.org/object/C-0141. retrieved 21 September 2024.