C-Ware sherd, type uncertain, body C-0128

C-Ware – sherd, type uncertain, body C-0128

By Droux, Xavier


, Cemetery HK6, Tomb 22 area.

30.11.1999 : Hierakonpolis Expedition excavation (sherd with antelope head). 02.03.2016 : Hierakonpolis Expedition excavation (sherd to left of antelope head).

Egypt (Find 270; 16-1156).

Date : Naqada IA–IIB

General range of C-ware production.

Material : Nile silt (Painted)

Preservation : Sherds

Decoration preservation : Partially faded

Preservation information :

Two mended sherds.


The interior surface is not slipped.


To the right, the head, horns, and neck of an antelope are preserved. The horns are diverging at the base before curving toward each other. It is the only such type of horns in the C-ware record, which renders the identification of the species uncertain, although the hartebeest has been suggested. In front of the horns, the extremities of two lines, painted next to one another, are just visible.

In front of the antelope is a complex motif that tapers toward the top. It is filled with loops and zigzags; there are dots along its right edge, wich consists of two parallel lines, and small loops along the other edge. It may be part of the body of a crocodile, but it is impossible to secure this identification without further mends. To the left of that motif is a partly-preserved rectangular feature with a dividing line in its center, and the tiny part of another motif at the extremity of the sherd.

© Xavier Droux, courtesy of the Hierakonpolis Expedition.
© Xavier Droux, courtesy of the Hierakonpolis Expedition.

Dimensions (cm)

Fragment dimensions :

6.7 x 4.3

Additional information

Form :


Shape of base:

not preserved

Decoration location :



The sherd with the head of an antelope was found in Area 1, Context 33 (Find no. 270). The second sherd was found in Square F13, Locus 16-62 (no. 16-1156; both contexts are in the area of Tomb 22).


We thank Dr Renée Friedman for facilitating the study of this artefact.

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Droux, X. 2022. C-0128, Predynastic Online Database, www.ponda.org/object/C-0128. retrieved 14 March 2025.