C-Ware – deep bowl C-0009
By Droux, Xavier
, Cemetery U, surface find.
1911 : Egypt Exploration Fund excavation.Boston, Museum of Fine Arts, MFA 11.1460.
Date : Naqada IA–IIB
General range of C-ware production
Material : Nile silt (Painted)
Preservation : Complete, repaired
Decoration preservation : Very good
A crocodile is represented below the rim of the vessel. It is seen in top view, its head is lozenge-shaped, and its body crosshatched. Its four legs appear as straight lines ending with toed claws. The scales of the hide are represented on the tail by a series of dots. A crosshatched oval-shaped net is depicted below the crocodile. Two human figures, apparently striding and wearing penis sheaths, are depicted opposite the crocodile. A triple zigzag, probably representing the Nilotic environment, completes the scene.
Dimensions (cm)
Additional information
Vi 252
Oi 100
round base
Drawn as an elliptical bowl by Petrie, but circular.
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, 108, fig. 3.2015
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