Dr Xavier Droux

The initiator of the Ponda.org project, Xavier is the curator of the collection of Egyptian archaeology at the Fondation Gandur pour l'Art in Geneva as well as an Academic Fellow at the University of Geneva's Faculty of Sciences, where he works with team of the Archaeology of Africa & Anthropology Laboratory (ARCAN). A Swiss graduate of the University of Geneva (Licence ès Lettres, 2005), Xavier benefited from a full scholarship from the Berrow Fondation and wrote his doctoral dissertation at the University of Oxford on Riverine and desert animals in predynastic Upper Egypt: material culture and faunal remains (available online; graduated 2015), working with Pr John Baines and Dr Renée Friedman.
In Sudan, Xavier is the co-director of the Swiss-French-Sudanese mission at Kerma - Dokki Gel together with Séverine Marchi. He has been heavily involved with archaeological fieldwork at the site since 2018, where he has taken part in the excavation of one of the largest known ancient town site, where African and Egyptian architectures meet. Earlier, he had collaborated with the British Museum expedition to Sudan, directed by W. Vivian Davies on two projects, one based at the Khartoum National Museum to reconstruct and conserve fragmentated New Kingdom granite statuary, the other to record New Kingdom pharaonic rock inscriptions at a number of places along the Nile Valley, including Tombos and Kurgus.
Beside his current employment and the development of www.ponda.org, Xavier also actively publishes articles on Predynastic Egypt; he is the collaborating editor of the recently published volume by A. Loprieno (ed.), in collaboration with X. Droux. Life Histories of Theban Tombs: transdisciplinary investigations of a cluster of rock-cut tombs at Sheikh ‘Abd el-Qurna; he is also assisting in the preparation of R. Friedman (ed.) & X. Droux (coll.): The Nubian cemetery HK27C at Hierakonpolis: final excavation report, Griffith Institute Publications 1, Oxford.
Xavier has also been very active in archaeological work in Egypt. Since 2003, he has been a senior member and assistant field director of the Hierakonpolis Expedition, directed by Dr Renée Friedman. He has worked in the field at several localities (Nubian Cemetery HK27C, Fort, production center HK11C). But it is his experience at the Elite Cemetery HK6 that is more closely related to his research interest. There, over the past few years, Xavier took part in the excavation of the earliest known above-ground funerary architecture in Egypt and of several burials. In 2011 and 2012, he kept busy digging out the vast cattle burial known as Tomb 49, but his most significant find was human burial Tomb 72 that still contained a large part of its assemblage in situ. He also undertook his own excavation project on an expansion of cemetery HK6 thanks to support from the Schiff-Giorgini Foundation.
Xavier also worked in several museums, on temporary exhibitions and permanent displays as well as larger projects. In Geneva, he worked at the Museum of Art and History, where he participated in organising and displaying two temporary exhibitions (Voyages dans l’Antiquité au 20e siècle ; Égypte) and preparing for the current permanent display of the galleries. In Oxford, between 2010 and 2012, Xavier took part in the redevelopment of the Egyptian galleries of the Ashmolean Museum in Oxford, which now prominently display early Egypt material, including its star objects from Hierakonpolis' Main Deposit. He also has experience working at the Musée Gruérien (Switzerland) and the Aga Khan Museum (Toronto).
List of publications
Edited volumes and journals
In prep. Friedman, R. (ed.) & Droux, X. (coll.), The Nubian cemeteries at Hierakonpolis: exploring cultural identity in Middle Kingdom Egypt, Griffith Institute Publications 1. Oxford.
2021. Gnirs-Loprieno, A. (ed.) in collaboration with Droux, X., Life Histories of Theban Tombs: transdisciplinary investigations of a cluster of rock-cut tombs at Sheikh ‘Abd el-Qurna, American University in Cairo Press. Cairo.
2008–2024. Assistant editor of Nekhen News, volumes 20–21, 23, 25–28, 31, 33–35.
In prep. Droux, X. Riverine and desert animals in predynastic Upper Egypt: material culture and faunal remains, Orbis Biblicus et Orientalis, Leuven.
* Droux, X., Friedman, R. & Pieri, A. 'The elite predynastic cemetery at Hierakonpolis HK6: 2016–2018 progress report' in Tristant, Y., Villaeys, J. & Ryan, E. (eds.), Egypt at its Origins 7. Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference "Origin of the state, Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt”, Paris, 19th–23rd September 2022. Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 323. Leuven-Paris: 105–152.
* Droux, X. ‘Revisiting Petrie’s excavations at Naqada: cross-matching the available documentary evidence and new digital map’, Interdisciplinary Egyptology 3 (1): 1–59. DOI:10.25365/integ.2024.v3.4.
* Lefèvre D. & Droux, X., 'Les documents hiératiques du Nouvel Empire conservés à la Fondation Gandur pour l'Art, Genève: un groupe exceptionnel de jarres inscrites en calcite-albâtre', in: Crossing Boundaries (Fanciulli, A., Gabler, K., Izak, J., Landrino, M., Müller, M., Pietri, R., Polis, S., Sojic, N. & Unter, S.M.) (eds.), New Kingdom hieratic collections from around the world 2. Aegyptiaca Leodiensia 13.2. Liège: 281–296.
Morel, V., Droux, X. & Quirion, A., 'An ovoid vessel in greywacke (FGA-ARCH-EG-0449)', [Artwork of the month], Geneva, Fondation Gandur pour l'Art, May 2024.
Droux, X. & Quirion, A. ‘Vache sacrée, sacrée vache?’, Fondation Gandur pour l'Art: rapport annuel 2023, Geneva: 44–48, 80.
Droux, X. 'The Ponda web platform: predynastic Egypt in the 21st century', Nekhen News 35: 25–26.
Droux, X. 'A palette of a different type', Nekhen News 35: 22.
Friedman, R. & Droux, X. 'Not the daily grind? Palettes at Hierakonpolis', Nekhen News 35: 18–21.
Droux, X. ‘Le dieu Râ sous le soleil de Paris’, Fondation Gandur pour l'Art: rapport annuel 2022, Geneva: 9–12, 64.
* Hendrickx, S., Droux, X., Förster, F., Hartmann, R., & Hartung, U. 'Evidence for the scalping of captives on a Predynastic White Cross-lined jar', Archéo-Nil 32: 51–71.
Droux, X. 'Ramsès II, en majesté américaine', Fondation Gandur pour l'Art: rapport annuel 2021, Geneva: 14–18, 64.
Droux, X. 'Jean-François Champollion: une vie d'érudition' in: Collombert, P., Lefèvre, D., Monbaron, N., Quirion, A. (eds), Révéler l'Égypte oubliée : 1822 - 1922 - 2022. Cahiers de la Société d'Égyptologie de Genève 14, exhibition catalogue [Geneva, Bibliothèque de Genève - Espace Ami Lullin, 22.09.2022 – 16.10.2022]. Geneva: 32–37.
Droux, X. 'La Lettre à M. Dacier' in: Collombert, P., Lefèvre, D., Monbaron, N., Quirion, A. (eds), Révéler l'Égypte oubliée : 1822 - 1922 - 2022. Cahiers de la Société d'Égyptologie de Genève 14, exhibition catalogue [Geneva, Bibliothèque de Genève - Espace Ami Lullin, 22.09.2022 – 16.10.2022]. Geneva: 44–45.
Droux, X. 'Champollion conservateur au Louvre' in: Collombert, P., Lefèvre, D., Monbaron, N., Quirion, A. (eds), Révéler l'Égypte oubliée : 1822 - 1922 - 2022. Cahiers de la Société d'Égyptologie de Genève 14, exhibition catalogue [Geneva, Bibliothèque de Genève - Espace Ami Lullin, 22.09.2022 – 16.10.2022]. Geneva: 71.
Droux, X. 'Le voyage d'Égypte' in: Collombert, P., Lefèvre, D., Monbaron, N., Quirion, A. (eds), Révéler l'Égypte oubliée : 1822 - 1922 - 2022. Cahiers de la Société d'Égyptologie de Genève 14, exhibition catalogue [Geneva, Bibliothèque de Genève - Espace Ami Lullin, 22.09.2022 – 16.10.2022]. Geneva: 74–79.
Droux, X. Catalogue entries: 'Lettre à M. Dacier' ; with Lenzo, G. 'Papyrus funéraire avec scène de la pesée du coeur du défunt' ; 'Figurine funéraire de Âa-Oupouaout' in: Collombert, P., Lefèvre, D., Monbaron, N., Quirion, A. (eds), Révéler l'Égypte oubliée : 1822 - 1922 - 2022. Cahiers de la Société d'Égyptologie de Genève 14, exhibition catalogue [Geneva, Bibliothèque de Genève - Espace Ami Lullin, 22.09.2022 – 16.10.2022]. Geneva: 234–235 ; 248–251 ; 282–283.
Droux, X. & Quirion, A. 'A scaraboid to the glory of Pharaoh Amenhotep III (FGA-ARCH-EG-0228)' [Artwork of the month], Geneva, Fondation Gandur pour l'Art, July 2022.
* Droux, X. ‘A hippopotamus in a dish: Predynastic bowl Cairo Museum JE 85928 and aspects of hippopotamus symbolism in predynastic Egypt' in: Buchez, N. & Tristant, Y. (eds.), Rochecouste, O. (coll.), Égypte Antérieure. Mélanges de préhistoire et d’archéologie offerts à Béatrix Midant-Reynes par ses étudiants, collègues et amis, Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 304. Leuven: 301–323.
Droux, X. ‘Found in a cellar, but from Naqada? A new predynastic hunting scene on a C-ware fragment from the Garstang Museum of Archaeology, Liverpool’ in: Claes, W, De Meyer, M. Eyckerman, M. & Huyge, D. † (eds), Remove that pyramid! Studies on the archaeology and history of Predynastic and pharaonic Egypt in honour of Stan Hendrickx. Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 305. Leuven: 389–404.
* Droux, X. 'Chiefs, bound captives, and harpooned hippopotamuses: an exceptional unpublished C-ware vessel in the Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto (inv. 900.2.13)', Archéo-Nil 31: 41–60.
Droux, X. & Friedman, R. ‘Animals in Predynastic material culture at Hierakonpolis’, Nekhen News 33: 14–17.
Friedman, R. & Droux, X. ‘The art of intrigue: the Hierakonpolis Painted Tomb’, Nekhen News 33: 22–23.
Droux, X. '« Une offrande que fait le roi » : les stèles funéraires de la Fondation Gandur pour l'Art', Fondation Gandur pour l'Art: rapport annuel 2020, Genève : 26–32, 103–105.
* Hendrickx, S., Friedman, R. F., Droux, X. & Eyckerman, M. ‘Size mattered in Predynastic Egypt: a very large Decorated vessel in the British Museum’, in Warfe, A., Gill, J., Hamilton, C., Pettman, A. & Stewart, D. (eds), Dust, Demons and Pots: studies in Honour of Colin A. Hope. Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 289. Leuven : 279–304.
* Droux, X. ‘Les palettes à fard prédynastiques en forme de bovidés sauvages’, in Vuilleumier S. & Meyrat P. (eds), Sur les pistes du désert : Mélanges offerts à Michel Valloggia, Gollion (Switzerland) : 43–62.
Droux, X. ‘A foray to the other side: how big was HK6?’, Nekhen News 31: 4–5.
* Hendrickx, S., Droux, X. & Eyckerman, M. ‘Predynastic human representations: two sides of a story’, in Huyge D. & Van Noten F. (guest eds), What ever happened to the people: humans and anthropomorphs in the rock art of northern Africa, Académie royale des sciences d'outre-mer et Musées royaux d’Art et d’Histoire. Brussels: 431–443.
* Hendrickx, S., Droux, X. Hartmann, R. & Eyckerman, M. ‘Hunting for power: an exceptional white cross-lined jar in the National Museum of Danemark’, Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts, Abteilung Kairo 74: 83–97.
Friedman, R. & Droux, X. ‘More adventures under the spoil heap: HK6 in 2018’, Nekhen News 30: 15–17.
* Friedman, R., Van Neer, W., DeCupere, B., & Droux, X. ‘The elite predynastic cemetery at Hierakonpolis HK6: 2011–2015 progress report’, in Midant-Reynes, B. & Tristan, Y. (eds), Ryan E.M. (ed. ass.), Egypt at its Origins 5. Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference “Origin of the State. Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt”, Cairo, 13th-18th April 2014. Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 260. Leuven: 232–89.
Droux, X. ‘Buried beneath the back-dirt: HK6 in 2017’, Nekhen News 29: 4–6.
Droux, X. ‘Figuring out Structure F’, Nekhen News 28: 4–5.
Droux, X. & Friedman, R. ‘Putting White cross-lined pottery on the map’, Nekhen News 28: 7–8.
Friedman, R. & Droux, X. ‘Complex arrangements: HK6 in 2015’, Nekhen News 27: 4–6.
Droux, X. ‘Hierakonpolis hippo round up‘, Nekhen News 27: 8–9.
Droux, X. ‘A tomb fit for a king? The discovery of Tomb 72 at HK6’, Nekhen News 26: 4–7.
Droux, X. ‘The horned quadrupeds conundrum’, Nekhen News 25: 20.
* Droux, X. ‘Twinned predynastic hippopotamus figurines of the Predynastic period’, in Friedman R. & Fiske P. (eds), Egypt at its Origins 3. Proceedings of the Third International Conference “Origin of the State. Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt”, London, 27th July-1st August 2008. Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 205. Leuven: 349–77.
Droux, X. ‘Where’s the beef ? The surprise of Tomb 49’, Nekhen News 23: 16–17.
2010 Droux, X. & Pieri, A. ‘Further adventures at HK6: the 2010 season’, Nekhen News 22: 4–6.
2009 Droux, X. ‘The tale of Tomb 30’, Nekhen News 21: 15.
2009 Friedman, R. & Droux, X. ‘The elite predynastic cemetery at HK6’, in Friedman R. et al., ‘Report on the 2006–2007 season of the Hierakonpolis Expedition’, Annales du Services des Antiquités de l’Égypte 83: 192–4.
2008 Droux, X. ‘Heading west at HK6’, Nekhen News 20: 14–5.
* 2005–07 Droux, X. ‘Une représentation de prisonniers décapités en provenance de Hiérakonpolis’, Bulletin de la Société d'Égyptologie de Genève 27: 33–42.
2007 Droux, X. & Friedman, R. ‘The columned hall at HK6 and other wonders’, Nekhen News 19: 7–9.
2007 Droux, X. ‘Headless at Hierakonpolis’, Nekhen News 19: 14.
2006 McNamara, L. & Droux, X., ‘When is a tomb not a tomb ?’, Nekhen News 18: 9–10.
2003 Notices for the exhibition catalogue Voyages en Égypte de l'Antiquité au début du XXe siècle, Musée d’Art et d’Histoire, Geneva.
Peer-reviewed publications indicated with *.